On December 15, 2010, Judge James Peck of the US Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York (the Bankruptcy Court) approved Lehman Brothers Special Financing Inc.’s (LBSF) motion (the Motion) for approval of a settlement among LBSF, BNY Corporate Trustee Services Limited (BNY), Perpetual Trustee Company Limited (Perpetual) and others relating to certain note issuance and swap transactions with Saphir Finance Public Limited Company (Saphir) under a program known as the Dante Program.
Filed under:
USA, New York, Insolvency & Restructuring, Litigation, Latham & Watkins LLP, Bankruptcy, Collateral (finance), Swap (finance), Public limited company, Default (finance), Bank of New York Mellon, Lehman Brothers, Court of Appeal of England & Wales, High Court of Justice (England & Wales), United States bankruptcy court